"Helping to solve today's workplace problems now."
Welcome to the first installment of SDM's online, soon-to-be interactive website. SDM recognizes the intensity and fast paced nature of your job description and how little time you may have to better your work performance and quality of life. It is for this reason that we offer this motivational tool for you to use from the comfort of your own home, anonymously and confidentially. In upcoming weeks, we plan to bring to you effective motivational strategies and information that one can use on the job, whether you are an investment banker, account executive, police officer, or health care worker. Additionally, we plan to offer informative articles, constructive surveys, and personalized feedback from CSC's Managing Director, Dr. Alden Cass, on a community driven message board for individuals to recognize, receive collegial support for, and improve upon their weaknesses on the job and in coping with the everyday stresses of working within an unstable marketplace. We encourage your feedback and qualitative work experiences that you may feel comfortable sharing within our community of financial services executives and emergency care workers. Please send any questions or pertinent experiences to draldencass@gmail.com for motivational advice or just to post on this site for the benefit of your colleagues.
Top 5 sayings to get back to work in the morning
Today is a new day and will be a new start for me and my clients
My actions this morning will impact how I feel and how I produce later today.
I can control my thoughts and stick to a discipline to make better decisions (Bullish thoughts)
Don’t aim, just throw the ball!
Swing through the hitting zone and focus on fundamentals.
(ARTICLE) The Market as a Mood Disorder-Personal Experiences from "The Street"
In the early part of 1999, technology and IPO stocks were flying high and investor speculation was out of control. Prices were increasing at a fast and steady rate, giving rise to new profit opportunities and attracting further investment and income increases.
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(ARTICLE) Emotion-Commotion: How to Trade through Fear"
I once had a client who for the purpose of this article will be called Fearful Frank. He was a 35-year old trader who came into my office because he was stuck in an endless trading slump.
Read article
Building Skills
For those of you working within the financial sector, here are some helpful hints for motivating you to get through these troubling economic times.
Click here
Classic Quotables
"The specific signal that precipitates the (economic) crisis may be the failure of a bank or firm stretched too tight, the revelation of a swindle or defalcation by someone who sought to escape distress by dishonest means, or a fall in the price of the primary object of speculation as it, at first alone, is seen to be overpriced. Prices decline. Bankruptcies increase. The word for this state is "revulsion." - Charles Kindleberger 'Manias, Panics, and Crashes'
"It was wonderful to be young and working on Wall Street in the 1980's: never before had so many twenty-four-year-olds made so much money in so little time. After you learned the trick of it, all you had to do was pick up the phone and the money poured into your lap." -Michael Lewis in 'Liar's Poker.'
"Get on the phones! It's time to get to work, move around, motion creates emotion, now get off your ass! Telling isn't selling. There is no such thing as a no-sale call. A sale is made on every call you make. Either you sell the client some stock, or he sells you on a reason he can't. Either way a sale is made. The only question is… Who will close? You or him?" -Ben Affleck in 'Boiler Room'
"80% of success is just showing up." - Woody Allen
"Marv I have a feeling that we are going to make a killing today.
Yeah, where's your machine gun?" - Bud Fox talking to fellow broker in 'Wall Street'
"Everyday I say to myself that today could be the day." -Bud Fox in 'Wall Street'
"The first lesson in business is don't get emotional about stock. It clouds your judgment." -Gordon Gekko in 'Wall Street'
Lyrics to New Order's True Faith from the Movie American Psycho |